Elyse Golibroda

Programming Director
Elyse Golibroda

Role and Responsibilities​

Programming Director Elyse Golibroda connects with residents at The Commons to plan the types of events and activities that have residents excited to participate. She is responsible for leading all Independent Living programming and activities, including lectures, games, speakers, clubs and committees, as well as coordination of the fitness programs and resident transportation.

Industry Expertise

Elyse has over twenty years of experience in the senior care industry.

Passion for Senior Care​

Elyse knew from an early age that she wanted to work with the senior population. “I am passionate about providing purposeful engagement throughout the day to all our residents, and I love getting to listen to their fascinating stories,” she shared.

Personal Interests

When she is not planning activities for residents, Elyse loves spending time with her husband and two sons, going to the beach and scrapbooking.