Challenges in Home Care

Many people hope to remain in their own homes as they get older, but aging in place can sometimes prove challenging. With the baby boomers retiring in large numbers — and an increasing number requiring care services — help at home is becoming more difficult to find.
Family care partners often step in to fill the void, providing a variety of assistance, including household chores and transportation to medical appointments, along with personal care such as bathing and dressing. Some 43 million people act as unpaid care partners in the United States, and the number is expected to increase as the massive baby boomer generation ages.
The toll on family care partners can be steep; a recent survey found that nearly half of family members who provide care for relatives don’t have time for their own medical appointments and just as many suffer from depression. For those who choose to age in place, finding paid care often becomes a necessity as family members grow exhausted and overwhelmed.
What are some of the reasons so many people have challenges in home care, and what can you do to ensure that your family member receives quality care?
A shortage of paid care providers
If you have an aging family member who requires ongoing assistance, you may feel that you have few options except to pitch in. A shortage of paid care providers has continued to worsen in recent years, and assistance is growing harder to secure as elders become a larger segment of the population.
Personal care and home health aides are among the occupations growing the fastest — and more than 1 million new jobs in the field are expected by 2026. However, turnover rates are high, and workers are especially difficult to find for in-home contracts or employment.
Individuals who choose to age in place quickly learn that getting assistance at home can be time-intensive. Apart from finding qualified and available workers, family care partners who are concerned about privacy and security must take the time to conduct background checks and speak to references before allowing someone into their family member’s home.
Consider a move to a welcoming senior living community
If you or a loved one require assistance, you may find that a senior living community such as The Commons in Lincoln meets your needs. We offer a full continuum of health services, including assisted living, memory care and rehabilitation.
We’ve recently opened our new health services neighborhood, where you or your family member can enjoy welcoming common areas, along with elegantly appointed, private residences. For every level of ability, our community offers the support your loved one needs to remain as independent as possible — while enjoying a vibrant lifestyle. Fine dining, social opportunities, a focus on wellness and a wide array of stimulating activities are among the benefits of choosing The Commons in Lincoln.
To learn more about our community or to schedule a tour, please contact us today.